Friday 31 July 2009


'Isn't the ego a good thing, to be successful ?'

So I was in yo sushi, and my friend says this ^^.
A question that resounds and reverberates in my mind, the answer really is no.

We get so caught up in ourselves we forget what we really are, just a 2-d image of perceptions forgetting the bigger picture outside ourselves and this physical existence.

Ok so I'm as materialistic as the next guy but lets face it I love money and you probably do as well, but it was only until the second time I applied to go to university that i realised what money represented. There's nothing wrong with having it and putting your energy into something if it goes out of this physical existence and actually serves a higher purpose...

So what was mine? Everyone else around me, i've never been a follower so i kept a firm intention to help other people in whatever way I could. It worked, I got in.
The biggest lesson I've learnt is No.1 You are not the owner of your talents but merely the manager.

This means, I cannot loose. It relates back to an even bigger idea that If I don't earn it through selfless action to a higher purpose It was never truly mine to begin with.

What is success anyway? How would you define it? I'm always intrigued to find out how other people interact with this idea.... one of my friends defined it as constant happiness... Surely theres something more. I think its being uncomfortable in complacency and constantly pushing the envelope of possibility.

Yehuda Berg - "The greater the resistance, the greater the truth waiting to be revealed"

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